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Science and Technology Committee

Science and Technology Committee is CNIC's academic consulting and evaluation organization responsible for evaluating and providing professional advices on R&D planning, major projects, discipline construction, establishment and dissolution of R&D departments, prize recommendation and other important academic issues. Previously known as the Academic Committee (five sessions from 1999-2016), the first session of the renamed Science and Technology Committee is composed of the following 7 experts elected by all professor-level researchers and senior engineers of CNIC.

1. Director

CHI Xuebin, Professor and Deputy Director General, CNIC 

2. Deputy Director

LUO Ze, Professor and Director of e-Science Laboratory, CNIC

3. Members

LI Jun, Professor and Chief Engineer, CNIC 

LI Jianhui, Professor and Director of Science and Technology Cloud Department, CNIC

XIAO Yun, Professor and Deputy Chief Engineer, CNIC

LU Zhonghua, Professor and Deputy Chief Engineer, CNIC

JIAO Wenbin, Professor and Deputy Director of Informatization Strategy and Evaluation Center, CNIC 
