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Invited Talk: Prof. Sébastien Monnet, University Savoie Mont Blanc

Date: Aug 26, 2019

Invited by the Advanced Network Technology Department of CNIC, Prof. Prof. Sébastien Monnet delivered a talk at CNIC on August 23, 2019. 

Sébastien Monnet is professor at University Savoie Mont Blanc since September 2016. He is teaching at Polytech' Annecy-Chambéry and works at the LISTIC laboratory (he is currently the deputy director of the laboratory). Before, he has been associate professor (Ma?tre de conférences) at University of Pierre and Marie Curie (Paris - France) from September 2007 to August 2016. He was working within the REGAL Inria research team at LIP6. He defended his habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) in November 2015 (title: Contributions to data replication in large-scale distributed systems).  He was on leave at Inria in 2013-2014. He has done a postdoc at University of Calabria on resource management for knowledge discovery applications running on grids within the Grid Computing Lab, under the supervision of Domenico Talia. He was a PhD student in the PARIS project-team at IRISA (Rennes, France), under the supervision of Luc Bougé and Gabriel Antoniu, , University of Rennes 1 (PhD subject : Large-scale data management in computing grids: support for fault tolerance and data consistency).

Prof. Monnet's talk focused on data replication in large-scale distributed systems. Data replication is a key mechanism for building a reliable and efficient data management system. Indeed, by keeping several replicas for each piece of data, it is possible to improve data durability and/or access performance. However, having multiple copies of a single piece of data may induce consistency issues when the data is updated. In this presentation, Prof. Monnet presented an overview of the main problems that need to be tackled while designing a distributed storage system. He also introduced several contributions in the area of fault tolérance (data durability/availability) and performance (data placement). Finally, the talk focused on the current research topic of Prof. Monnet and his team: data placement in data management systems offering multiple data-consistency levels.