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The International Conference on Theoretical and High Performance Computational Chemistry 2024 held in Wuhan

Date: May 09, 2024

The International Conference on Theoretical and High Performance Computational Chemistry 2024 (ICT-HPCC24) was successfully held at Huazhong Agricultural University from April 20th to 22nd. The conference was jointly organized by the Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Huazhong Agricultural University. Over 40 experts and scholars from countries including China, Japan, Italy, South Korea, the United States, and Canada delivered academic presentations, with approximately 150 teachers and students attended the conference. The The journalist from "Hubei Daily" also participated in the event and covered  the conference.

The opening ceremony of the conference was chaired by Prof. Hongyu Zhang , the Dean of the School of Information Science at Huazhong Agricultural University. Dr. Yasuhiro Matsunaga from Saitama University, the conference chairman, and Prof. Jianbing Yan, the Vice President of Huazhong Agricultural University, delivered speeches. Subsequently, Prof. Zhong Jin, the researcher from the Computer Network Information Center of CAS, delivered remarks on behalf of the organizers. He expressed the hope that this international conference would serve as  a platform for international experts and scholars to exchange ideas and promote the application of computational chemistry and high-performance computing in emerging interdisciplinary fields. Finally, Prof. Yingjin Ma, the deputy researcher of the Computer Network Information Center of CAS, reviewed the ICT-HPCC conference and introduced the conference agenda.

The Conference Scene

During the three-day conference, 45 presenters shared their latest research results, covering topics such as machine learning assisted molecular and drug design, electronic structure simulations, multiscale molecular simulation techniques, high-performance computational chemistry, and quantum computational chemistry. The forward-looking content of the presentations is beneficial for advancing further research and technology transfer of domestic computational chemistry software, as well as forpromoting international exchanges and developments in the field of computational chemistry.

Poster Award Ceremony

The poster presentation session of the conference was attended by 22 participants from 14 organizations. Mengying Tong from Huazhong Agricultural University won the Gold Award for Excellent Poster, while five teachers and students from Huazhong Agricultural University, Shenzhen University, Yanbian University, Sun Yat-sen University and Nanjing Normal University won the Silver and Bronze Awards.

Conference Group Photo

The conference emphasized the crucial role of high-performance computing in the future development of computational chemistry. With the continuous advancement of computing technology, supercomputing has become the core engine driving innovation in computational chemistry. The use of supercomputers allows for the investigation of larger scale and more complex reaction and material behavior simulations. Supercomputing is expected to play an even more critical role in future research and engineering applications, bringing significant innovation to areas such as drug discovery, materials science, and energy technology.

The successful hosting of the conference not only enhanced the international influence of the organizer, the Computer Network Information Center of CAS, in the field of scientific computing but also created more opportunities for international exchange and cooperation.
