Lu Zhonghua
Deputy Chief Engineer
- Resume:
- Research Direction:
Computational Mathematics.
- Projects Undertook:
- Social Service:
- Publication:
【1】Li Hong, Lu Zhonghua, and Chi Xuebin. Parallel Computing for Dynamic Asset Allocation based on the Stochastic Programming. 2010 WASE International Conference on Information Engineering(EI), Vol.2, 172-176.
【2】Li Hong, Lu Zhonghua, and Chi Xuebin. The Applications and Trends of High Performance Computing in Finance. 2010 Ninth International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business,Engineering and Science ( DCABES 2010)(EI), 193-197. 2010,August 10-12,Hong Kong, China.
【3】Qianli Zhong,Zhonghua?Lu,Xuebin Chi,Zhonghai Zhang,To enhance efficiency of Index Service on SGMS: Scalable grid monitoring system,2010 The 2nd IEEE International Conference on Information Management and Engineering (ICIME)(EI),Chengdu, 2010.06, P193-198.
【4】Honghai Zhang, Xuebin Chi, Zhonghua Lu, Qianli Zhong, Weiqing Yang, ScGridBroker: An Open Grid Resource Scheduler Based on Economic Scheduling Algorithms, Ninth International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science, pp. 346-350,2010, August 10- 12, Hong Kong, China.
【5】Qianli Zhong, Zhonghua Lu, Xuebin Chi, Honghai Zhang, and Zhaojuan Yue ,Increasing Client Satisfaction: Request Scheduling for Information Service,Ninth International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science(EI),351-355, August 10-August 12, 2010,Hong Kong, China.
【6】Baoping Yan, Wenzhuang Gui, Ze Luo, Gang Qin, Jian Li, Kai Nan, Zhonghua Lu, Yuanchun Zhou, e-Science, the Way Leading to Modernization of Sciences and Technologies: e-Science Practice and Thought in Chinese Academy of Sciences. Chapter: Accelerating 2-Dimensional CFD on Multi-GPU Supercomputer
【7】Sen Li, Xinliang Li, Long Wang, Zhonghua Lu, Xuebin Chi
【8】Accelerating 2-Dimensional CFD on Multi-GPU Supercomp
【9】Ma Wen-peng, Lu Zhong-hua, Hu Xiao-dong, Parallel Solutions for Node Connectivity Based Mesh Moving Methods on Different Parallel Architectures, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.220-223, 2331-2337, 2012.
【10】Li Qiang, Lu Zhonghua, Luo Yi, Chen Xi, A Parallel Solution of Large Scale Hydrologic Simulation Based on MPI’, 35th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment (ISRSE35), Beijing,22-26,Apri.,2013,
【11】Wenpeng Ma, Zhonghua Lu, Jian Zhang, GPU Parallelization of Unstructured/Hybrid Grid ALE Multi-Grid Unsteady Solver for moving bodies,ParaCFD, 2013, Changcha,China.
【12】Chunbao Zhou, Xianyu Lang, Yangang Wang, Chaodong Zhu, Zhonghua Lu and Xuebin Chi, Parallel Metropolis Coupled Markov Chain Monte Carlo for Isolation with Migration Model, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences(SCI), 2013,7(1L):219-224.
【13】Sen Li, Xinliang Li, Long Wang, Zhonghua Lu, Xuebin Chi ,Chapter: Accelerating 2-Dimensional CFD on Multi-GPU Supercomputer, GPU Solutions to Multi-scale Problems in Science and Engineering, 01/2013: pages 423-435;
【14】Yao,Peng Hui,Hu,Yong Hong, Lu Zhong Hua,Wang Yan Gang, Wang,Jue. Improved parallel randomized quasi monte carlo algorithm of asian option pricing on MIC architecture. Proc. of Thirteenth International Symposium on Distributed Computing and Applications to Business, Engineering and Science,December 2014,IEEE Society, 157-161,ISBN:978-1-4799-4170-4;
【15】Wenpeng Ma , Zhonghua Lu, Wu Yuan, Xiaodong Hu, Parallelization of an Unsteady ALE Solver with Deforming Mesh Using OpenACC , Scientific Programming(SCI), 07/2017; 2017(1):1-16.
【16】Chen Yidong, Lu Zhonghua*. (2020) Tensor Decomposition and High-performance Computing for Solving High-Dimensional Stochastic Control System Numerically. Journal of Systems Science and Complexity.
【17】Chuangchuang Dai, HaiJing Luan, QingBing Yu, XiaoYu He, YunHao Wang, BinCheng Shuai, XiaoBing Guo, ZhongHua Lu*, Beifang Niu*. ChangeEncryption: Encryption Using Spatiotemporal Information as a Function Model. IEEE EdgeCom 2020.(CCF C)
【18】Guan Li, Jiayi Xu, Tianchi Wang, Guihua Shan, Han-Wei Shen, Ko-Chih Wang, Shihong Liao and Zhonghua Lu. Distribution-based Particle Data Reduction for In-situ Analysis and Visualization of Large-scale N-body Cosmological Simulations. In 2020 IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis).