
Zhou Xu
Director of Advanced Network Technology and Application Development Department
Advanced Network Technology and Application Development Department
- Resume:
- Research Direction:
Computer network architecture, 5G/6G mobile networks, network artificial intelligence technology, etc.
- Projects Undertook:
- Social Service:
2015.9- Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2015.1-2015.8 the leader of the future network technology team of the Fifth Research Office of the Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
2005.4-2014.12 Chief Engineer of the High Performance Network Laboratory of the Institute of Acoustics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
- Publication:
【1】TransMuse:transferable traffic prediction in Multi-Service Edge Networks,Computer Networks,2022
【2】Service function path selection methods for multi?layer satellite networks,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications,2022
【3】Cache-enabled UAV Emergency Communication Networks: Performance Analysis with StochasticGeometry,IEEE transactions on communications,2023
【4】Citywide Mobile Traffic Forecasting Using Spatial-Temporal Downsampling Transformer Neural Networks,IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management,2023
【5】A survey on TCP over mmWave,Computer Networks,2022
【6】An Optimal-Transport-Based Reinforcement Learning Approach for Computation Offloading,The IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC)2021
【7】Network traffic prediction based on the feature of newly-generated network flows,IFIP Networking Conference,2022